Disha Dudhal

Indiana, USA

Hello! I am a Computer Science grad student at Purdue. Throughout my undergrad and grad years, I've developed interests in the areas at the nexus of Machine learning, Backend developemnt, System Design and Cloud(Infrasture + DevOps)

I enjoy applying my technical skills to develop applications that help people automate boring tasks in a creative way.

When I'm not preoccupied with Computer Science stuff, I like to indulge in Sketching, Anime and Dance.

I am currently looking for Full-Time opportunities starting May 2023. Please connect with me at: Email


Purdue Universty

MS, Computer Science

Teaching Assistant - Software Engineering

Teaching Assistant - Object Oriented Programming in Java

August 2021 - May 2023

Indian Institute of Information Technology(IIIT), Pune

B.Tech, Computer Science

GPA: 9.46/10

Team Lead - Smart India Hackthon

Head of Music Club - Saaz

July 2016 - July 2020


Full Time (1+ years)

NTT Data Global Solutions

Senior Software Developer

  • Jenkins X: Developed open source drivers for Jenkins-X Bitbucket Cloud platform using Golang.
  • Altemista: Integrated 3rd party enterprise tool CloudHedge with existing in-house CI/CD pipeline in half the stipulated time.
  • Login Portal: Created a Login & Registration portal using MEAN Stack. Included API development, encrypted data storage, Session persistence, JWT tokens

Jul 2020 - Aug 2021

Pune, India

DevOps Full Stack Open Source


Bosch Global Software Technologies

Software Engineering Intern

  • Indian Railways Cloud Data Collection: Developed a program to successfully collect data from a wireless Router Teltonika and push it to central data repository hosted on Amazon Cloud
  • Designing BMS: Analysed existing intelligent Battery Management Systems(BMS) and developed a prototype for BMW’s electric vehicle.
  • Vibrational Analysis: Presented a cumulative study of various vibrational analysis models for Machine Fault Detection and analyzed the best models and feature extraction techniques for assigned project.

Aug 2019 - Jan 2020

Banglore, India

Embedded C++ Design Machine Learning

Tata Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC)

Software Development Intern

  • Enhanced Semi-automated image processing pipeline: Integrating Java application with standlaone Python ML services at Application runtime. Performed Change Detection in Mine area and Urban area using Image Processing paradigms.
  • Recommender Engine for Semi-Automated Pipeline: Developed Python libraries for automatic computation of image contextual features using Fuzzification.

May 2019 - Jul 2019

Pune, India

Machine Learning Image Processing Java Python Fuzzy Logic

Teaching (1+ years)

Purdue Universty

Head Graduate Teaching Assistant

Software Engineering

  • Conducting Sprint Demos, managing 21 senior team projects involving 105 students and 3 TA's
  • Project Management, Tech-stack consulting, Product Design
  • Technologies: Azure, Full Stack, Game Development

Aug 2022 - Present

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Software Engineering

  • Coordinating 5 Senior undergrad teams (each semester) to develop an end-to-end software product
  • Project Management, tech-stack consulting, guiding design and sprint planning document creation
  • Technologies: AWS, Full Stack, Mobile App Development

Jan 2022 - Aug 2022

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Object Oriented Programming in Java

  • Organized Labs and PSO's for 80 students teaching them OOP in Java
  • Managed 10 team course projects developing java apps using Obejct oriented principles
  • Topics: MultiThreading, GUI, Client-Server, Inheritence, Error Handling etc.

Aug 2021 - Dec 2021


A collection of my projects that I've undertaken over the course of my education.

Implementing Simple and Mutli PAXOS

  • Developed a sharded key-value store with multi-key updates and dynamic load balancing, similar in functionality to Google’s Spanner. This KV store is capable of handling concurrent put/get/append operations from multiple clients.
  • The project is entirely built using Java and involves implementing components like Remote procedure calls, Primary-backup replication system, Paxos, Sharding, Two-phase commit protocol and Dynamic load balancing.
Java Synchronization Sharding Transaction Consensus PAXOS

Semi-Automated MLOps using OpenSource tools

  • Implemented a Semi-automated cost-effective MLOps pipeline on AWS from scratch using open source tools for each section of the pipeline.
  • The motivation was to check the efficacy and cost of orchestrating a pipeline for any univeristy student from the comfort of their home.
Pulumi MLFlow Aporia Poetry FastApi DVC

Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on CNN's

  • Generated adversarial images using targeted and non-targeted attacks om CNN and ANN.
  • Evaluated the performance of IBM ART defenses on generated adversarial dataset.
Python TensorFlow MNIST pickle Binary Thresholding

Automated Electricity Prediction

  • Automating prediction of electricity access in developing countries through machine learning applied to aerial imagery.
  • Evaluated the performance of 3 different ML models on transformed data and using the best model for predictive analysis
SVM Random Forest GBDT NumPy Matplotlib Python NDVI

Inconsistency Detection in EHR/EMR

  • End-to-end system using Django that detects inconsistent annotation patterns in Medical data using UMLS.
  • Boundary identification for named entities in Medical data using UMLS and medical domain knowledge.
Django Python UMLS QuickUMLS HTML CSS


A Method to Detect Inconsistent Annotations in a Medical Document using UMLS

We propose an end to end system developed in Python using QuickUMLS that can Our objective was to store semantically and/or syntactically similar entities, which have been inconsistently annotated in the form of clusters.

Paper Code


Technical Skills

  • Data Engineering
  • DevOps
  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Object Oriented Programming & Design Patterns
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science

Programming Languages

Python JavaScript C++

Libraries & Frameworks

Keras TensorFlow OpenCV NumPy Matplotlib Seaborn

Database Technologies

MySQL PostgreSQL SQLite MongoDB

Web Development

Node.js Serverless Angular React.js Bootstrap4 HTML5 CSS3

Cloud Technologies

Git Docker AWS Azure

Operating Systems

Linux Windows Mac OS

Leadership Skills

  • Head GTA: Managing and coordinating 21 senior software dev projects and 3 graduate TA's.
  • Smart India Hackathon - Team Lead: Leading a team of 5 senior and junior students into winning Smart India Hackthon 2019 Software edition. Developing and end to end-to-end Web app in 36 hours.
  • Project Group Leader: Led the group for ML based projects during junior and senior year.
  • Academics Captain: Looked after academic activties and represented school in several competitions.


This is one of my creative outlets - writing about my travel experiences

Musings of a Girl

Capturing my feelings and memorable experiences through blogs and pictures.
